Haploid Inducing Lines for Licensing

In order to develop better adapted inducer lines for the Mid West, we started in 2008 a breeding program to introgress induction ability into elite germplasm. Inducer lines in a B73 background are ready for release (ISURF #04065). A second group of inducer lines (ISURF #04099) is expected to be ready for release in fall 2015. These lines will have an additional marker for haploid selection: Pl1 - for red roots. They also have the Ga1 allele included, which widely used in popcorn and organic breeding to prevent cross pollinations with dent corn.

Tech IDTitleLicense FeeLicense RightsAvailability
04065Development of a Haploid Inducing Genotype (inducer) Adapted to the Midwest for Maize$25,000
One-time license fee for a paid up license
For internal company use to produce haploids. Use of the line to develop new inducers is not allowedApril 2015
04099Haploid Inducing Genotype for Field and Specialty Corn$30,000
One-time license fee for a paid up license
For internal company use to produce haploids. Use of the line to develop new inducers is not allowedFall 2015

For further information on licensing please contact:

Yongsheng Chen
Commercialization Manager, Ag Technologies
(515) 294-5614